Saturday 22 May 2010

Webster's Pages

I am starting to become addicted to these papers and can't wait to get my hands on some! I have them digitally from the store but its not like I get to stroke them! Small post! Everything good.

Friday 12 February 2010

Half a pound off!

Thaats about 2 oranges! Hardly worth having but that said its better than putting it on, which I have been consistenly doing since December, my leader keeps saying
'lets have a fresh start shall we?' I have had more fresh starts on my card than anyone I think! Bless her she really tries to be uplifting and supportive.
I will one day look like her except for the purple hair as purple does not suit me in spite of it being my fave colour!
I have tried the forums on the WW site but after the first few oohhs and aahhs it didn't really add anything to the experience! I was hoping to find a 'buddy' to help cheer me on - not that she/he would have had much cheering to do these past weeks lol more like petting and consoling over a glass of wine or a muffin!!
Anyway that is all behind me(!) now and I am filled with fresh hope and at only 1 point per hope I can consume as many hopes and wishes as I like.
Will be back next week for another thrilling insight into losing weight with WW.

Saturday 2 January 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Just dropped in to wish anyone and everyone a HNY - it was a crap year health wise last year so I'm hoping for better things this year - more time to scrap and make cards to help with my son's fundraising for the church. That would be nice - I hope I don't spend any time in hospital either this year - bored with all that!!